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I've had this picture saved for a while too. I love birdcages and books aaaand tophats. It's perfect!

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  • I'm an artist and aspiring filmmaker. This blog is a bit of a scrapbook so to speak, for my photography and all things that I adore and am inspired by. With some random day to day stuff tossed in here too. A few of the many things that interest me are: films, art, music, theater, photography, books, history, mythology, philosophy, sewing, crafting, fashion (neo-victorian, steampunk, vintage 20s, 40s, 50s and 60s) , costume design, interior design, collecting things....


  • All photos on this site belong to me unless otherwise stated. Please do not use them without permission or without crediting and linking back to this blog. Copyright © 2009 Mehgan Trice
